Thursday, March 21, 2013

GQ - 4

Relationships change. People change. But one thing always remains constant. You. Learn to let go of others and celebrate yourself instead.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

GQ - 3

Why is it so easy to love things and so difficult to love people? Perhaps because things don't hurt you emotionally. Or because they are so easily replaceable. Or maybe just because there's no confusion over them loving you back...

GQ - 2

Yeah I'm moody. And I nag. I love eating but also crib about my weight. I wear 5-inch heels although they kill me but somedays I can't be bothered to get out of my jeans and tee. I shop at Prada but still bargain with the subziwala. I love chatting but also need that me time. Yes, I'm a paradox in myself but I love me. I'm a woman & proud to be one. Happy Women's Day!

GQ - 1

It is not your dreams but often your nightmares that define you.